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    [不懂就问] Leaky Gut Syndrome 肠漏综合症

    发表于 2021-6-4 13:51:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    本帖最后由 Xinjing 于 2021-6-4 16:15 编辑
    * u1 O$ b1 Z: ^/ ?8 @1 i3 J5 y8 d' S+ h2 G
    LGS 好像是近年来特流行的一个话题,似乎很多病都能往那联系。leaky gut 从中医角度是怎么回事?
    9 z' A: Z4 @. |  {5 [
    4 F% A- @) c% y6 y- z" m( D) @“In Leaky Gut Syndrome, the epithelium on the villi of the small intestine becomes inflamed and irritated, which allows metabolic and microbial toxins of the small intestines to flood into the blood stream. This event compromises the liver, the lymphatic system, and the immune response including the endocrine system. It is often the primary cause of the following common conditions: asthma, food allergies, chronic sinusitis, eczema, urticaria, migraine, irritable bowel, fungal disorders, fibromyalgia, and inflammatory joint disorders including rheumatoid arthritis. It also contributes to PMS, uterine fibroid, and breast fibroid. Leaky Gut Syndrome is often the real basis for chronic fatigue syndrome and pediatric immune deficiencies.”8 f. x- A/ P1 f5 \; j
    1 R9 {+ a  O9 K9 d
    "在肠漏综合征中,小肠绒毛上的上皮发炎和受到刺激,这使得小肠的代谢和微生物毒素涌入血液。 该证会损害肝脏、淋巴系统和包括内分泌系统在内的免疫反应。 它通常是以下常见疾病的主要原因:哮喘、食物过敏、慢性鼻窦炎、湿疹、荨麻疹、偏头痛、肠易激、真菌疾病、纤维肌痛和炎症性关节疾病,包括类风湿性关节炎。 它还跟PMS、子宫肌瘤和乳腺肌瘤有关。 漏肠综合征往往是导致慢性疲劳综合征和小儿免疫缺陷的基础。
    发表于 2021-6-4 18:35:10 | 显示全部楼层
    发表于 2021-6-17 09:22:48 | 显示全部楼层
     楼主| 发表于 2021-6-20 09:51:49 | 显示全部楼层
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